Before the Internet, before TV, before the Printing Press: we told each other stories.
Humans are evolutionarily wired for oral storytelling. To speak, to listen, to make connections through tales told.
There’s an intimacy about audio that gets lost in the written word or a video screen, and podcasts harness it beautifully.
As Humans, we are defined by our ability to connect, communicate and collaborate. All progress, all civilization has been powered by the energy of human connection.
History shows that human potential knows few bounds when we cooperate. This is true from a kindergarten classroom to a giant company, a family home to global politics.
Human connection is what makes us, us. Which is why the isolation and loneliness of the modern world not only hinders what we can accomplish—but it doesn’t feel so good, either.
Interested in learning more? We'd love to hear from you.
Humans build tools, and AI is our latest and most powerful creation. With all new tools, there’s uncertainty. Both good and bad ways to use them.
We can hardly think of a better role for AI than elevating our humanity and solving the hardest human problem: people getting along with each other.
Our AI-hosted podcast interviews help people connect on a human level. Everyone gets an episode to tell their story, a chance to learn about others, and the opportunity to cultivate a culture of empathy.
Interviews are conducted by Sam, our AI Interviewer, making the interview very low pressure. Then, the interview is professionally edited into a short episode that the guest can give feedback on and approve.
Once live, episodes are shared. For our Group participants, this happens through a Private Podcast where people listen to each other’s stories right in their favorite podcast app.
For Individual users, people swap private episode pages and share social-media-ready highlights with whomever they choose.
All participants are encouraged to respond with how the episode resonated with them.
It’s a sad truth that people are lonelier than ever. Social media connected us without tending to the quality of the connections. The pandemic created new social patterns, including more remote workplaces.
The Real Human Project is a practice in reciprocal empathy, which has proven to foster safety, connection, and trust. Relationships are fast-tracked, deeper connections are made—and participants find greater happiness, productivity, and meaning in their lives.
Once live, episodes are shared. For our Group participants, this happens through a Private Podcast where people listen to each other’s stories right in their favorite podcast app.
For Individual users, people swap private episode pages and share social-media-ready highlights with whomever they choose.